Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Improve Your Diet?

Think, to lose weight, you need to eat less? This is partly true, but also plays a role that is.

Sometimes it is better to make his usual diet of a few changes, and this will be enough to not only lose weight but also feel healthier and more energetic.

1. Replace the "bad fats" to "good."

Begin to use products that contain monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. For example, olive oil, fish, nuts, avocados. These products along with vegetables, fruit and whole grain crops reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 80%, diabetes - 90%. However, if you just add these foods to your diet without giving up at this from saturated and hydrogenated fats, you get the extra calories. How to replace "harmful" to "useful"?

No butter and margarine.
See for yourself: either you totally give up your favorite goodies - sandwiches with butter, or change it on bread with extra virgin olive oil and various spices. Do you like potatoes with butter? Replace it with low fat sour cream.
 Add nuts.
Instead of roast chicken breast in breadcrumbs, bake it in a mixture of spices and pieces of walnuts or almonds. Also, add in the cereal pieces of walnuts and flax seeds to increase the amount of omega-3 in the diet.
 More fish.
Omega-3 fatty acids are rich only fatty fish species: herring, tuna, salmon, salmon, etc. The fish should be present in your diet at least 2 times a week.
 Remove the cheese and mayonnaise.
Stop putting cheese and mayonnaise to enhance the flavor. In a salad you can add olive oil and bake various dishes you can simply by seasoning, no cheese. Do you like the taste of cheese? Eat it just like that, with coffee and fruit, no need to add a dish with baking and salads, as this product contains a lot is not beneficial saturated fat.

2. Choose only whole grains.

Cereals rich in fiber helps prevent many diseases: cancer and heart disease, vascular diseases, diabetes. Fibers, among which we know it cellulose, digested slowly, so the feeling of satiety is a long time. However, the average person uses less than 1 / 3 the recommended daily amount of grain. So, how to enrich the diet of grain without damaging the figure?

 First: to replace the cereal grains from whole grains. To quickly cooked cereal, grits soak for 12 hours. An exception may constitute only oats, as seethe oat even in the oven is very difficult. Second: choose only whole grain bread and cakes. Otherwise, what's the point if all the bread? Third: The white polished rice, replace the brown. And finally, fourth: if you have something to bake, add the flour bran.

3. More calcium.

For the prevention of such diseases as osteoporosis, a day you need 1000 mg of calcium, which is equivalent to 3 glasses of milk. Most people, however, loses calcium. In order to increase the amount of calcium consumed, do the following:

 Drink milk.
If you love coffee, add milk to it, or choose a cappuccino, latte, to compensate for the loss of calcium. Must Eat cottage cheese or a cup of yogurt a day. Instead of oatmeal with water to cook it in milk.
 Remember that hard cheeses are among the most fatty cheeses, they can be replaced by the less bold - "mozzarella."
 Some fruits and vegetables also contain calcium. This rhubarb (100 g contains 105 mg of calcium), turnip (104 mg), broccoli (43 mg), spinach (30 mg).

4. More use of fruits and vegetables.

Eating fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and obesity. The day is recommended to use a 9 to 5 servings. What is a serving of each, and how to make fruit and vegetable variety in their diet?

 Create a color variety.
Eat at least one serving of fruit for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. What predstvlyaet a one serving: 1 fruit is medium in size, 200 grams of fresh juice, 50 g of fresh, frozen or canned fruits and berries, 100 grams of greens, 20 g of dried fruits.

 Add fruits and vegetables in everyday meals.
Thus, you will not have the feeling that now you need to eat more food. On the contrary, fruits and vegetables displace more calorie components of conventional food. Drink coffee and tea with dried fruit instead of biscuits and sweets, add frozen berries to yogurt and cereal.
Vegetables instead of a garnish.
French fries and boiled potatoes served with salad or substitute steamed vegetables.

So do not be afraid of change in nutrition. Of course, they affect the family budget, as fruits and vegetables are more expensive than potatoes and pasta. But it's worth it.

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