Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Prevent Obesity in Children? Simple Rules

Small plump children - such pretty! Plump schoolchildren at recess eating hot dogs and hamburgers do not cause such emotion. Rather puzzled as to why these "useful" products are sold in the school cafeteria. And in that turn kids after puberty when they start to gain weight - so much more to gain.

Causes of excessive fullness and childhood obesity - the same as in adults: a hormonal imbalance, lack of exercise and too much high-calorie food. But if adults (not all but most) are themselves aware of the problem and solve it, the child needs the help of parents. Although in most cases, parents are to blame for the fact that the child is overweight.

Very often the parents themselves are not goners like to eat and always trying to feed her child - even if this child does not want. "Eat a spoonful of the mother, and another for the pope, for his grandmother, a grandfather, a brother." Familiar words, is not it? The child does not want to eat - but the plate still something left to throw out the same sorry, the best stuff in the beloved heir.

Little rests his hands and feet, dabbles, seated at the table (the first sign that the child has already had enough, hunger) and resents forcibly food or coaxing to eat. Large offspring have usually accustomed to eat everything put - it wants or does not want, but eat, because all the same force or persuade. And in general "as necessary".

Many parents believe that if they suffer complete, then the child awaits the same fate. Although more heavily on health and weight of the child have food habits and diet, exercise or a sedentary lifestyle.

Predispose a child to the fullness - not a sentence. Obesity can be avoided if you observe some simple rules. Rules not only food, but also lifestyle.

1. First, you need to consult a physician

And, if necessary, to pass all prescribed tests. Perhaps the child is not just a chubby and plump, but has any disease. Then - no self-medication, the advice of friends or neighbors, articles from fashion magazines. Children's bodies are too fragile to experiment with his health.

But in the majority of total children if their completeness has not yet passed into obesity, relatively healthy. And completeness is a consequence of poor lifestyle choices and nutrition, rather than the disease. By the way, because children do not choose life, that would be correct to say that their completeness - the result of unhealthy lifestyle, the whole family.

2. How is eating a baby. And how much they eat in the family

If the family accepted abundant feast every day, including a dense heavy dinner, constant snacking bun, regular trips to fast food fast foods, the chances grow multiplied. Children tend to copy the habits of parents - especially as long as they are not forced to it. Watching mom eats a giant burger with double portion of fried potatoes, or the third piece of cake, the child will assume this is absolutely normal behavior and will do the same.

And parents breathe easier mournfully, looking at the beloved and say: "Well, what to do, it's heredity!". Indeed, why follow the diet (including for his), if the blame can be laid on heredity.

3. What eats baby

More accurately than its feed and what they eat, his parents, setting an example and kids. The benefits of fruits and vegetables they know, perhaps, even Eskimos - although they, fruits and vegetables, in the historic homeland of the Inuit do not grow. A variety of salads - a great variety for every taste and even color. Meat and dairy products are needed for children no less fruit and vegetables - though not in such numbers. But the need for hot dogs and sausages, pies and cakes, non-ferrous of powder and "cool" candy bars - under great doubt. Have not yet found a scientist who could prove the usefulness of these products. Who knows, maybe in the near future will be invented useful candy and vitamin sausages - then we will cram their children. And now it is better to abstain, especially if the child has long been out of infancy and infant folds and fat deposits remained. And we, adults, more like a sumo wrestlers, than inmates of Buchenwald, it too will benefit.

Conclusion: The fight against overweight children should start with lifestyle changes the whole family.
Caution. In no event shall be subjected to the child's body and a strict diet restrictions - it is still growing and has more needs than an adult. Any limitation or exclusion of food products from their diet - only after consulting your physician. Have in mind is the food - that is what a man needs for growth and maintenance of life. Cakes, sweets, crisps, chewing gum, colored artificial drinks, sweet rolls, and more are not necessary. In chemical composition they are even difficult to be attributed to food. And ridding the diet of the child (and person in general) of such redundancies will benefit.

4. You can not make a useful food by force

How would you touted usefulness of carrot salad, but get to eat this salad a child, previously fed only with a sweet, almost impossible. Especially if the mother at the same time continues to tuck into custard cakes and chocolates.

5. Hence the following rule: the best example for your child - it's the behavior of parents

Including eating behavior. Have to be patient and prepare healthy food, using different recipes, while ceasing to buy wholesale cakes, semi-finished products and sweets. And give your own example. And do not build in this wry face. If the whole family eats dinner roast pork with potatoes and a child on the dish - vegetable salad, or steam cutlet, it will not lead to anything good. Be honest and set an example to our own actions - an example of the most contagious.

All rules are simple. The hardest thing - to observe them constantly, regularly, and the whole family. And do not make exceptions - particularly for themselves, children are very sensitive to hypocrisy. Continued - in the next article.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Is it Aways Necessary to Struggle with the Fullness?

Wherever you look - everywhere recommend a diet of old, proven almost at the time of Cro-Magnon (eat this root, and you'll lean how mammoth hunter!) To trendy (drink beer, jam, apples, and your figure envied by all the top models Peace!). And if they are needed, these diets? Should I tuck in apples, drank kefir, nervously swallowing saliva at the sight of a piece of sausage?

The completeness associated with any disease, or fullness, which prevents a normal life and destroys health, we will not argue. Just then everything is clear. If, due to excess weight affected the body, then, from this need to get rid of excess.

We talk about the case when the weight is not superfluous, and - just this addition. Normal addition. Someone has the constitution of store mannequin, someone smacks of a bedside table, at the sight of someone on a memory come buckets on a yoke, and someone calls the association with the bun. Heredity, the structure of the skeleton, the rate of metabolism ... Many factors affect the shape. And painful to see how beautiful women pace yourself diets every day just because they think - hudyshki beautiful!

Beauty - it is primarily fashion. In the days of Louis XIV's beauty may have rotten teeth, if not were toothless - and it did not prevent them considered beauties. Imagine that such a beautiful smile you - it's a shock! But then, these "little things" were not paying attention. In fashion there were other criteria of beauty.

Leonardo da Vinci wrote beauties - Look for his paintings of a woman resembling the modern mannequin. They are not. All the women were very good body condition. Remember the romance of Henry Sienkiewicz "Crusaders": a description of beauty Yagenka is quite common - it could sit on the nuts and chop them. Deliciously top model is clearly not capable of this. There must have weight, and very good! Look at the portraits of the recognized standards of beauty of times past - many of these beauties would take all the double seat in the bus (not counting, of course, skirts - with her and did not enter a bus). Nevertheless, they are really adorable.

Languid thinness - not associated with a healthy lifestyle. For health need to maintain physical fitness (swimming pool, gym, walking at night, physical activity) rather than weight. With a healthy lifestyle weight will go myself, but if left completeness - meant and needed. Trying to get rid of the natural fullness, perfectly healthy people can get sick - have a lack of weight.

Maybe fashionable thinness - it's just an invention of fashion designers, who found that the lean figure of some models of clothes look better. And what looks better, better, and more for sale. And perhaps this trend policy savings - on clothes for skinny leaves less tissue. Joke? Almost. Or maybe not.

The main problem of overweight women - are not overweight. After all, "dietary suffering" associated solely with the desire to be beautiful. The most charming and attractive. Attractive to the opposite sex. A perfectly normal desire that does not contradict any basic human instinct.

But it can be beautiful and not losing weight. Beauty - the notion of purely subjective. The beauty of a woman - not in shape, not in clothing, not into makeup, not in luxury hair. It is - in the eyes of a loving man. And only there. And men - that freaks! - Love to different women. Someone like donuts, and someone thinks that a woman should have the muscles of a gymnast. Everyone has their own taste, and it is only relatively dependent on the mode.

Complete women usually try to somehow hide their completeness. Wear inconspicuous clothing, do not allow the bright, loud colors - so that does not bring the Lord, you do not accidentally highlight the presence of additional (compared with a fashionable top model) kilograms. Carefully examining the color gamut, color combinations and patterns (stripes from top to bottom will give your figure a visual harmony, cross-band full!). Some even try to wear a smaller size, using it instead of the corset - incidentally, a huge mistake, as the clothes are not necessarily the size of wrinkles, and as a result of the figure seems even thicker than it actually is.

In general, all of this - a labor of Sisyphus. After all, the completeness is written not on the scale, and - on the face of a woman. If she believes that her figure is far from ideal, it had weight and - most importantly! - It ugly and unattractive, it will be considered and such around. The logic is simple: the best person he knows himself. So to speak, a look inside, he is correct. So who are we to challenge the person's opinion of himself?

The result of this opinion of himself is that charming fatty masks are not its comprehensiveness, and its charm.

If a woman feels beautiful, absolutely confident in its appeal, no one will notice it and the door is difficult - because the doorway is too small. Self-confidence - a much more reliable way to beauty than all diets combined.

My friend, a professional psychologist, has developed a technique for losing weight. Very simple. Every day, he persuaded himself: "I am attracted to women, they like me" - repeated several times a day, looking in the mirror, looking at his face and figure beauty. And in the morning and evening, saying to himself: "All that I eat (ate) a day, is good for my health. From this I get only more attractive. My fascination is increasing every day. " What is interesting - he's really lost. From 115 kg (Height 178 cm) remained 76 kg. And this weight is maintained. True, he forgets about his anger management.

But curiously different. This technique was designed not for weight reduction. I had problems with the sufferer's own life. It is not paying attention. He was unable to care for he liked a woman - because of the certainty that she was on it did not even look. His knees were shaking, rather than articulate speech he was carrying astonishing nonsense ... In general, he made all the stupid things that put a person who himself does not believe himself does not like to think he is worthless, not worthy of attention.

Motivational helped. Confidence has increased. Problems with the weaker sex were eliminated - and that long before the weight dropped at least gram. He has lost weight later. Strictly speaking, weight loss was a side effect.

So it is worth considering: a need is a diet? After all, if the problem is not health, but "in my head, maybe easier to do auto-training? And do not eliminate the weight (which, very likely, and not once did), and that mental block that does not feel like a complete human being, "the most charming and attractive." Do not forget, a professor of Transfiguration knowingly asserted that "the devastation is not in the toilets, and in their heads."

And anyway, who said that the fullness - it ugly? This is just another type of beauty! And lovers of this type are more than enough.

And if someone would say that any kind of completeness is harmful to health, then the old proverb says: "While fat dry, thin dies."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Struggling With Being Overweight? "The Rules Wizards" for Dieters

So you've decided to lose weight. Or have already lost weight, but more than anything to fear grow stout again. As this is familiar! Maintain a perfect figure is not so easy - it's sort of skill, the basics which you want to learn.

And while experts say that a good figure, which is not a single kilogram of excess weight, it's not much what an achievement. In simpler terms, is not so difficult to lose weight - much harder to keep the shape.

Of course, this skill has its secrets - where do without them. But these secrets are so commonplace that hardly anyone uses them seriously, trying to find some exotic "rule wizard. A rules-then no and no. There are perfectly reasonable arguments of smart people who try to reduce weight from a scientific point of view and try to convey this same point before us.

They, in particular, do not keep repeating the benefits of proper nutrition. In no case can reduce the need for a man of nutrients consumed in food. And if some writers trendy diets, for example, in carbohydrates or fats, it does not mean that the human body can do without them. He still takes his, but that's where - is another question: from the bones, internal organs, blood, ... in case of a prolonged diet.

Specialist, by the way, never ask you to dramatically reduce caloric intake. There is a limit of daily intake of calories, which is preferably not exceed, but can not be underestimated in any case. Weight of course you lose, but with him losing vitality and energy you will not be enough even for basic things. That is why right to sit on a hunger strike can not - you'll accomplish nothing and only drain the body.

Professionals in the field of weight reduction say that a normal portion of food for man who wants to stay in shape, should not be larger than a deck of cards in size. Slimming usually specify, on a deck of cards what is meant: playing or tarot divination.

Another fairly obvious secret that many are neglected, says: do not underestimate the drinks. Many of our favorite calorie liquids much a good portion of porridge with butter. Before you drink a glass of juice, it is worth to clarify its energy value. For example, among the enemies of the ideal figure of liquid were seen grape and peach juice, all the soda and coffee with chocolate.

Forget white flour! This "rule wizard" almost no fundamental. The whole point is that the baking of white flour and other products from it raise your blood sugar. Thus, they make your pancreas work in enhanced mode, producing insulin.

The main psychological generally correct food - is its visibility for your brain. It is in this connection are advised to eat slowly, slowly, the brain noticed that you've already eaten, they were filled, that is to say, and not asked yet.

It is not necessary to arrange sessions of self-flagellation over the fact that you once bit off a tiny piece of cream cake in the midst of another severe diet. Man exposed little weaknesses on it and men.

Very useful to keep a food diary. Writing for a week all eaten your meal, you will see a very clear picture of their own eating.

You would not believe what is most important lose weight "rule wizard. It reads: You'll never get to lose weight and keep it if you try to do it for someone other than yourself. Once you realize that your extra pounds to anyone except you, especially not in the way, you make a final decision, once you lose weight or not. Incidentally, the first pick is not all.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Secret to Weight Loss - The Causes and Tactics of Fighting

One has only to look around carefully, as will be immediately noticeable, which focuses on weight in society. Do not try to lose weight, probably only the laziest. Make a well in this one is faster, recognize strangers pounds - employment boring, more interesting, in my view, to understand what is the mystery of such a thing as a person's weight.

The number of those who live by the principle of "eat to live, perhaps, still less as compared with those who are not averse to treat yourself to something delicious and not always helpful. Because of its feeding behavior is guided by a person not so much hungry as reactions to form, color, food availability, etc. Other factors that determine the relationship of man to food, is a family tradition. In some families, whole life practically revolves around food. I, for example, in real life had to hear how people and said: "This went on vacation, live as nobles. Wake up for dinner - breakfast, lunch - it's time for dinner, then tea and cakes, pancakes, homemade sour cream, jam, and there is dinner and arrived in time ... ". When I once saw this picture of his eyes, in front of me seemed to come to life scenes from the Russian classics. It seemed that Gogol, invented their works within the walls of the house itself, where are heard constantly interrupt each other's smells of roast lamb, turkey, duck with apples, etc.

In addition, as we know, there can cause a person to stress, boredom, anxiety or loneliness. Some even reward yourself for good behavior, and then wonder quickly developed a pair of triple-hated kilograms. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, personal vehicle, disorderly eating lead to obesity every three Canadians, are overweight are 60 percent of Americans and every other Russian.

If you previously put the weight was determined by subtracting from growth in the number 100, now used by more than the exact formula of the index of body weight: ICT = weight (kg): height (m): height (m). Chubby man to get the result from 24.6 to 24.9, and if more - it is obesity. Number of proposed diets today amounts to many dozens. But there should not delude ourselves: the faster you lose weight, the faster it recovers, but still has a tendency to exceed the original.

Why is this happening? It's simple. The body has a specific enzyme that controls the accumulation and distribution of fat. If you restrict your diet, it is markedly activated and after the usual food intake is restored, the command is executed immediately store fat. Now, I think it becomes clear why many diets give the opposite effect.

Way to successfully fight obesity are highly individualized. There is no universal method that can meet the needs of all comers, does not exist. If you're determined to lose weight, your behavior should be determined by two main goals - the right to lose weight and maintain the achieved effect. More ...

1. Develop a (better on the recommendations of doctors) an adequate diet.
2. Eat regularly and slowly, strictly adhering to a schedule.
3. Exercise and do not forget to weigh in the morning, after a bowel movement.
4. Avoid situations that may cause you to violate the diet.
5. Importantly, insist on what nutritionists - not to give up breakfast. Doctors are advised to keep his calorie within 400 calories - not less, but otherwise you have to eat up missing at dinner time.
6. In addition, doctors are advised to avoid snacking during the day and eating of bedtime, because that is what causes fat deposits.
7. As for the menu, nutritionists recommend cooking vegetables and meat for a couple, reducing salt intake, which stimulates the appetite. But no harm will increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries - sources of fiber, which promotes the excretion of excess cholesterol.
8. Experts do not recommend completely abandon the sweet. Indeed, during the cold body needs serotonin, which supports the well-being and uplifting. Therefore, you can occasionally indulge in a slice of dark chocolate, low-calorie sweets and fruits.
9. Doctors are also advised not to forget about good sleep. Proved that the one who sleeps in a good mood, in the same, and wakes up.
10. And finally, do not allow yourself to suffer from feelings of guilt or failure, because almost any goal you have set ourselves is achievable.

Love yourself! Be healthy and beautiful! Remember that starting any business you need only a good mood, great desire and pleasure, and if the result does not take long!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Lose Weight after Giving Birth Without Damage to Health?

I - a happy mom of two children, and that means getting up in front of me twice the problem: how to lose weight after giving birth? As a result, the first pregnancy, I gained 7 kg, the second - 11, but six months later I was again weighed 50 kg. How do I do it? I can share experiences.

First, about what not to do so.

 Sit on a strict diet. This can seriously damage your health and the health of your baby if you are breastfeeding. Expecting instant results every day to get on the scales. A quick victory will not, and you may get the impression that all efforts are in vain.
 To get involved in bio-additives, and teas for weight loss: wasting your money, and the result is zero. I myself have tried to lose weight with the help of these "miracle cure", most often they have a laxative or diuretic effect, and weight loss is for this reason, and once to stop taking - the weight comes back. In addition, prolonged use of these drugs removes from the body calcium and other minerals, and you, on the contrary, after the birth you want to fill them.
 Internally strained by comments like: "Oh, how are you stout !..». You gave birth to a child, and most importantly (think of those that happiness is not available, they are unlikely to fear that after giving birth can be corrected), and for such exclamations may be hiding an elementary envy.

And now, if you personalize the loss of extra pounds, please be patient, for quick results - a short-term results, as such we do not need.

Many women first weeks after birth seem as though they're still pregnant. This occurs because of the slow contractions of the uterus and conservation emerged in the last months of pregnancy edema. What can I do? Medical advice hospital. Buy at the pharmacy two plant species in tea bags: chamomile, and nettles. Brew together in 1 package to 200 ml of hot water and infuse for 5 minutes and drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks. If you are breastfeeding, it restricts the intake of other fluids, as the infusion enhances lactation.

Some publications are advised: there is often, but little by little - for me personally, this Council has not slackened a single inch in the waist. In addition, the book on Ayurveda, I read that frequent meals "weaken the digestive fire" is not conducive to good digestion and, hence, can also lead to the fullness.

Optimal diet - 3 times a day. Gradually reduce the size of your portions, as long as its contents will be (approximately) to get out of a boat in two folded hands. And do not eat after 19 hours, the maximum that you can afford - a glass of 1% kefir.

That a small portion of food to create a sense that you ate your fill, add to it a little bran (available at drug stores); swelled in the stomach, they will bring complete satisfaction to dinner, in addition, bran rid of impurities and cleanse the digestive tract.

Gradually, there can be all, preferring vegetables, fish, chicken breast without the skin. A great tool for losing weight is a vegetable soup.

Of course, the first time you will be irresistibly drawn to the fridge, but you need quite a bit of patience and it will pass. To not see food, I was walking with a child 3 hours during the day and 3 - in the evening, and after 2 weeks of eating was only when really was hungry. By the way, active walk burns 90 calories per hour!

One last thing: to strengthen the abdominals, thighs and buttocks. For these purposes, in my opinion, is best suited callanetics (all exercises are static and do not involve some kind of unimaginable leaps and acrobatic stunts, but because they will be able to perform each). Purchase a tape or disk, and study at home, at any time convenient to you. Enough for 30-40 minutes a day, the first two weeks at a day, then less often. Results are visible almost immediately and it will inspire you.

Following these recommendations, I have to lose weight for 6,5 months, and now half keep it in a completely normal without any effort. I wish you and find the shape of your dreams. Believe in yourself, you will succeed!

Monday, May 9, 2011

What Gives A Woman A Regular Fitness?

Everyone has long known that fitness is good for health and appearance of the person. However, it is often extremely difficult to force yourself to throw in your favorite couch alone and go to the gym to perform grueling, difficult for an untrained body exercises. Well, the same through its "do not want to" go - and come with a workout exhausted, good-for-nothing. In the next few days after a workout will have to endure the pain in the muscles. So whether a pair of dropped pounds of torture - mental and physical?

Perhaps, in order to reset a couple of pounds, and not necessarily overpowering yourself, go to the gym. But fitness give us much more than just a slender body. After all, fitness - is a set of measures to maintain your body in shape. The term "fitness" and is derived from the English «to be fit», which means "to be in shape." Engaged in fitness - it means the right, rational nutrition, detoxify the body, to perform individually tailored exercise and keep your body in tune with the different types of massages and SPA-procedures.

If the meals and cleaning procedures and care can still be friends, you need to go to the gym and play sports for many causes such as the horror of what feels a prisoner before a visit to the torture chamber. But without physical activity adherence to other claims of fitness to be insufficiently effective.

So what does a woman give regular exercise?

1. Regular classes at the gym help lose extra pounds.
If you perform strength exercises, the muscles gradually strengthened, become more developed. The more muscle in the body, the more they developed, the more the body needs energy for their "service". In order to "serve" fat, energy, the body will need much less. The stronger the muscles - the lower the fat!

Aerobic exercise also helps burn fat - in a time of great stress the body requires more energy, and if you have nowhere to take it, then we have to use reserves - deposited that will melt away before our eyes.

2. Fitness will help correct shape - to make the waist thinner, more saliently hands, legs, sleeker and rounder buttocks. Choosing the right personal program of physical activity can help women get rid of the deficiencies in the figure. Women who are regularly involved in fitness, the body is elastic and toned, almost no cellulite.

3. Improving the physical condition: trains endurance, strengthens the heart, strengthens muscles and increases their capacity, develop physical strength and coordination of movements, there are flexibility, mobility, and "feline grace", produced by the speed and ability to perform rapid movements, etc.

4. Increases sexual desire. After a strenuous workout hormonal changes, the body learns to relax, and this positively affects the quality of sex.

5. Fitness before and during pregnancy and after the baby helps the woman to stay in great shape.

6. Leave complexes over non-ideal shape. First, many women are suffering from overweight and complexes on the imperfect body, afraid to go to the gym because they think that the room go only ladies with model looks. But when they came into the hall, a woman discovers that like her very much. The woman realizes that the hall going to fix their own shortcomings, not to pay attention to the shortcomings of others.

7. Training eliminate the effects of stress, relieve irritation and stress. Intense sports are being treated for depression.

Do not forget that the first results appear no earlier than two months of training. Lose weight would be problematic for women who can not refrain from eating before and after workouts. If one of the main objectives of lessons in the hall - to lose weight, without adhering to the principles of healthy eating are unlikely to succeed. Do not forget also that if you have had or have health problems before they begin to engage in fitness, you should consult your doctor. This is especially true for women with cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Exercise during pregnancy is also better align with the doctor.

I wish all those involved in or decided to begin to engage in fitness, lose weight, become healthy and beautiful!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can I Lose Weight Without Going to the Gym?

Inevitably there comes a beach season. Perhaps this is the only time of year, when minimalism in clothing is welcomed for many reasons. The absence of most of the wardrobe puts, in turn, a small commitment to the figure.

Beauty fairly subjective thing, but in today's world is made to a woman's body was slim. According to the author, one of the hallmarks of harmony is that the folds of the body is not hanging over jeans.

Everyone has their own reasons to bring the figures into a more slender look, beach season may not be the main reason. The man faces a rather difficult task: how to be or what to do?
There are two ways out of the situation (why two, despite the fact that items three, below):
1. We pay a lot of money and go to the gym.
2. Do not pay - doing for yourself.
3. Drink Herbalife, or other specialized tools for weight loss.

The first option is no longer, since our task is not a gym, because we want to lose weight, and while saving money that can be put on leave.

Consider the third paragraph. Everyone should already be aware that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. People who drank Herbalife (solely as an example), then recruited several times more weight than they have been able to throw. So do not get fooled by a variety of tricks and "free."

Our version of the second. How can you lose weight with the least loss?

1. Smaller drive the elevator, even better - all of it give up. This is for you to replace expensive step aerobics.
Raising and lowering, even on the second floor, will maintain and strengthen the legs. Checked personally, I just 10-15 per day to work is forced to rise to 2nd floor. The legs are in perfect condition. Similar results came in 2 months of walking 4 days a week.

2. Consume food should be on the regime, and most importantly - healthy food. That is, eat properly. Pro mode will not say anything, and so clear. And that means right? McDonalds and other fast foods, are excluded by default. Chips, cola and other chemicals also should be excluded from the diet. We are for natural products.
No matter how hudey, the body must obtain a daily rate of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

3. After any physical exercise (jogging, swimming, razgrebaniya snow in the parking lot and ETC) consume any food can not. This way you kill all your efforts. The body feels the need to eat the wild and the first thing you feel is a wild hunger. If hunger is not satisfied, the body begins to pick up the missing elements of body fat. There is only one but: the body during exercise are in need primarily in the protein. Therefore, little protein foods for three hours before exercise does not hurt. Optimal - it is a piece of meat with vegetables, but no more.

4. Sex .... heh heh heh ... quality sex burns a lot of calories (even kiss the order), plus just as recreation is indispensable.

5. Various minor tweaks. Scatter a box of matches and lift them one by one. (Slope from a standing position) ... such exercises can come up with a mass above carefully look around.

Finally: you may be unpleasantly surprised to find that after a certain time after a temporary weight loss, or tongue will freeze, or just crawl back. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. If there began to appear muscles, not fat, it's a good sign. After all, whatever one may say, muscle mass (not to be confused with fat) also has a weight. And with a weight of 80 kg pumped man looks quite different than fat. If, instead of muscles something where something began to bulge, then: enough to eat. A word spoken is past recalling. After all, even the famous dancer said, when asked about her diet: "Do not eat!"

So, is it possible to lose weight without going to the gym? It is possible, but it depends on the strength of spirit and strength of will, because they play almost a fundamental role.

Good luck to you in the struggle with her weight.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why Weight Does Not Go Away?

Which only tricks we are not going to lose those extra pounds! Newfangled diets compound salon care, even pills mixture. A weight is at best standing still, and at worst - hard back, like a nightmare. And all because often in pursuit of a result we forget to find out why. Booked - hence forearmed, so we list those which do not mention the beauty industry.

1. Hormonal imbalance.
- The hair on your head lose volume, but on the face and body, by contrast, are growing strongly;
- Obesity is formed on the male type, ie figure is rounded in the belly;
- Prone to acne;
- Irregular menstrual cycle.

These symptoms may indicate that your ovaries produce

too much of the male hormone testosterone. The weight increases as it quietly, but if time does not score a concern, then start the serious health problems.

Output: a visit to a gynecologist, endocrinologist, who will take a blood test and hold a pelvic ultrasound. In many cases a special diet, vitamins and physical therapy procedures restore the normal structure of the ovaries. And in some cases, can not do without medication. If you combine them with a complex exercise, it is possible to "lose" not just overweight, but also the accumulated charge of unspent energy. And it's good for the figure, and for the psyche, agree.

2. Hypothyroidism.

- Brittle hair and nails;
- Excessive skin dryness;
- The constant chill;
- Extra 3-5 kg in the abdomen and buttocks, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of.

This suggests that you may be disturbed thyroid function (hypothyroidism). Insufficient activity of thyroid gland reduces the efficiency of metabolism in the body: in the tissues accumulate excess fat and water that one diet "kick" is impossible, but you feel too overwhelmed to take regular exercise.

Yield: Again, a visit to the endocrinologist. It is especially necessary if you are already over 30, you live in a big city, suffer from autoimmune diseases (diabetes, anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome) or simply too much cold. As soon as the work of thyroid will be adjusted, and you return to a healthy lifestyle, will return and your "ideal" weight.

3. Edema.

- "Floated" the contours of the figure, pastoznost;
- Shortness of breath;
- Violation of urination.

First of all, is the result of an overabundance of water in body tissues. But the reasons may be different. If you are "swollen" from any of an oral liquid - most likely compromised renal function. Shortness of breath talking about violations of the heart. A sudden increase in waist circumference can indicate that you have a sick liver.

There is another reason pastoznost, which must take into account all hardware lover of rapid weight loss techniques. If you're too carried away with a lymph drainage procedures, then one fine day will come lymphostasis compensatory, ie, disruption of the lymph. Thus, you do not decide, and exacerbate the problem of metabolism.

Yield: just know "weaknesses" of the organism and if possible not engage in self. If you "chase" fluid from the body fanatically and only from time to time, you only hurt yourself. Your task: to restore the balance of all organs and systems, well and try not to load the "weak links".

4. Bad habits.

- Long-term administration of drugs and substances that affect mood (drugs, alcohol, antidepressants, pills to lose weight ");
- Rapid weight gain during the year;
- Disruption of the nervous system (from irritability - to apathy, etc.).

Do not want to talk platitudes, but nothing on earth does not pass without a trace. Weight gain - one of the side effects of the "anesthesia for the psyche, which we, for various reasons, can get carried away. Mechanisms of this process is both complex and simple. The bottom line is that your metabolism is constantly fueled by doping, accustomed to their presence, and formed a dependency. No doping - the body is looking for other compensation. And now you have lose control of themselves in hopes of a push from outside to pull myself together. But this is - the next trap.

Yield: sort things out honestly to yourself. Answer the questions why and what happens to you. Nobody, except yourself, will not. And try to abstract from all sources of negative emotions. Because excess weight (if you're certainly not "turned" on weight loss) - this is not the source of this investigation.

5. Fanaticism.

- Regular and preoccupied counting calories in order to not exceed 1000-1200;
- Violation of appetite;
- Haggard appearance, not very good mood, irritability.

Ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, the question of how she manages to maintain excellent shape, said once: "Here I sit, not zhravshi!". Respecting this recognition, let's still not going to take him for a guide to action. Each of us has its own constitution of body, planted by nature. If we do not respect this fact and give the body with food is what he needs, then quickly recall the proverb: "A lean cow - this is not a gazelle."

According to statistics, in the world, there is only 5% of women who have the original constitution of the figure can meet today's standards of slimness. All the others can not bring myself to this standard without compromising health. In addition, consider: 98% of people who lost weight on a diet soon gain it back, and 90% of them within three years weigh more than before trying to lose weight.

Therefore, care should be not about kilograms and imposed criteria, and their own health and wellbeing. Consistently, every day and tomorrow. Without fanaticism, but with common sense and attention to themselves, loved ones. This account, which we need most.