Monday, April 18, 2011

How Can I help My Husband to Lose Weight?

My husband ... The dream of my whole life, a real man ... and everything in it is good, and no changes are needed and adapts itself, well almost anything ... Most recently, he was a bit overweight, well, or many, depending on the particular situation. It seems like something is not noticeable and corrected ... And somehow wish that he realized the need to lose weight, and so - again! - And sat on a diet. But no, he rests, and said that he did not need that figure he is good, but the fact that cubes do not press on your stomach, so there it is one big, this cube.

Sound familiar? You bet!

In this article I want to share my experience with the "slimming husband." Just want to note that these conclusions and the Council has not from the air, as a result of both personal experience and because of the large literature on the correct and healthy diet.

Completeness of the men, in principle, as well as women, do not just happen. Do not think that the solution here is one - is needed less. Yes, the consumption of fatty and high calorific food is certainly reflected in the figure. There need not less but better. But first things first.

So, it was decided. Starting tomorrow, start to lose weight. And today is a plan of military operations. And hear the vicious hiss of men reading this: "We and diet - things are generally not compatible! We are not going to cabbage and yogurt drink, etc. etc. Remember, as a Brownie Kuzma said: "I will not have it, I'm not a goat!" This is a typical male gaze on a diet.

Calm yourself, my dear man, I understand you perfectly, because she like to eat well. But here's what to do with pants and new shirts, which suddenly became a 2-3 sizes smaller? Huh? Add to the deepest, most distant drawer wardrobe, and it is better to clean out the closet, so the heart does not chafe. Of course! Just because you prefer. Well recovered, well, who does not happen, you're not the women - because each kilogram of excess tears shed. Certainly not the women. But only a short time later, for some reason starts moaning: "Oh, dear, I began my knees crunch and you know, because back in the evening whining began, and the pressure increased. Do not know why? "

I know, dear, yes the good of my knowledge is zero, you're not agreed in time to reconsider your diet. So, begin the operation, codenamed "Weight Loss".

1. Drawing up plans for military action. As would be absurd as it sounds, but it is better to write everything in detail and the points on a sheet of paper. What do you want, why you want it, what diet you choose for a husband. And it is better to write out the menu. What, how and when.

2. And now the most interesting, in my opinion, the procedure: it is necessary to establish the cause of completeness. Yeah. Like he eats a lot like the work of his sit-down, and at home on the couch after work, used to lie, and we get in fights, it happens on every trifle. At the weekend the activity does not show, just to stay home, kinoshku any look, and if they go to with friends, then to a bar nearby. Drink beer. And all of this together - and nervous sedentary work, and lack of physical activity, and a tasty but unhealthy food, slowly but surely doing their job. And is not it, and not another, and not the third. Everything seems to be good, but my husband still fullness. Then you better see a doctor, maybe just a disturbed metabolism or, God forbid, what the disease was got.

3. Stage of "talkative". You have to become aware of and understood the reason of completeness. Now turn over your man. Once I can say that the work is (talk) ungrateful, nervous. Personally, I missed this step. But if you're a born orator and can lead the crowd for you - go for it. Maybe you'll have to persuade a man to change something in the diet.

4. Well, actually, change of diet. In this process a man to devote it is not necessary. All men love meat. In all versions of its preparation. How could you not cook the meat and bake it in the oven. So much tastier, and health useful. Habitual mayonnaise substitute sour cream, learn to pickle during cooking, rather than the finished version dosalivat dishes.

Councils are actually very much. Just try it. Believe me, my husband will appreciate. Not every Russian family can afford to make a salad of fresh vegetables every day. But soon the gardens will begin, here and radishes, and onions in a salad cut - and her husband on the table. And tasty, and useful. A salad dressing can bake meat or fish. So much for dinner. Just right? Simple. A huge benefit!

5. Physical activity. And with physical activity at all simple. Almost every man in his youth engaged and hockey, and football, and went skiing. So try to remind him long-forgotten "fun." Can this cause and his cronies to connect. (I am the way and did it. Now we have a gay friendly weekend.) And you will be useful, and his joy. And how gardens, villas start - certainly the weight throw.

And another little tip. Scientists have long shown that having sex is almost identical to one of the sport. Why? And the subscription is not necessary to go broke in a sports club, you and he was pleased.

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