Friday, April 15, 2011

Abdominal Distension - Abdominal Bloating Information

Abdominal bloating and distension occur very frequently in functional gastrointestinal disorders with many patients ranking them as particularly intrusive symptoms. Typically, the problem is exacerbated by meals, varies in intensity, is worse at the end of the day and night settles. When these symptoms follow this pattern, they are almost path gnomonic of a functional digestive disorder and it is somewhat surprising that their diagnostic utility has not been used more often. This is partly because these characteristics do not seem to be so common in men, but to some extent, this is because men describe the problem differently often referring to it as a "hard" or "oppression" abdomen. Probably the best way to see these features is that when they are present, they do the possibility of a functional bowel disorder almost certain but when absent, they do not exclude the diagnosis.

Abdominal bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels full and tight. It is usually caused by gas in the intestine. Bloating is largely caused by intestinal gas. Intestinal gas may result from the consumption of gas or air swallowing. Swallowing air when eating is often done unconsciously and may result in frequent belching during or after meals. To avoid swallowing air, slow down when you eat, not to "slurp" drinks, and not talk while chewing. Also try to avoid chewing gum, hard candy, soft drinks such as soft drinks, and drink through a straw.
The most common symptoms of gas are belching, flatulence, abdominal bloating, and abdominal pain. However, not everyone is experiencing these symptoms. The determining factors probably are how much gas the body produces, how many fatty acids the body absorbs, and the sensitivity of an individual gas in the large intestine. Chronic symptoms caused by too much gas or by a serious disease are rare.
Bloating hormone in premenopausal women, bloating is often related to menstruation. Over the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle, known as the luteal phase, women can retain water, which not only causes swelling in the abdomen, but sometimes in the hands, feet and breasts. Increased levels of hormones also have a direct effect on inland gastointenstinal. "This hormonal effect causes the gastrointestinal tract does not drain as quickly and produce gas," says Dr. Grace Janik, director of reproductive endocrinology at St. Mary's, Milwaukee. 

Starches are another common source of intestinal gas. Starches are polysaccharides that are produced by plants and consist of long chains of sugars. common sources of different types of starch from wheat, oats, potatoes, corn and rice. Rice starch is more digestible and little undigested rice starch reaches the colon and colon bacteria. Consequently, consumption of rice produces little gas. In contrast, starch wheat, oats, potatoes, and to a lesser extent, corn, all reach the colon and bacteria in significant quantities. Avoid chewing gum, if you're prone to bloating - it can make you swallow lots of air. Eliminate all soft drinks from your diet. The carbonation is usually a potential IBS attacks, and this is particularly likely to aggravate bloating. Have a nice cup of hot tea fennel instead of soda or sparkling water, and follow the practices of yoga poses specific bloating, and you should notice a considerable improvement.

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